Board Policies – 1E
Fenced Playground:
Provided for use by members only. Gate is unlocked from 10:00 am and closing determined by weather and time of year.
The playground is provided for the benefit and enjoyment of all members. When using the facility be considerate of others and help keep the area attractive and safe.
Offensive or abusive behavior or language will not be tolerated, no loud music, alcoholic beverages, or glass containers are allowed in playground area.
Children under the age of four (4) years must be supervised. The cooperative accepts no responsibility for the safety of any person using the facility.
Skateboards, roller skates, or bicycles are not allowed on the playground. Climbing fence, throwing gravel or dirt, or hanging on basketball goals is not allowed.
Small children will be allowed to pay in the sand of the volleyball court, except when a game is in progress. When volleyball is being played, children not engaged in the game must leave the court.
Common Area:
The play equipment provided by the cooperative in the common areas for use by younger children (swings, slides, etc.) is to be used with care and consideration. Any abuse resulting in damage will cause the member(s) at fault to be charged for the repair or replacement. Children over 12 years of age may not use this equipment.
Members wishing to erect play equipment for their children must do so inside their fenced back yard (Installation/Alteration Permit required).
Curfew Regulations:
Independence, MO city ordinance (children under 16 years of age weeknights, must be in by 10:30 pm. Friday & Saturday nights must be in by 11:00 pm). Children shall not loiter in or upon the streets, walkways, or common areas within the Independence Square Townhouses between the hours of 10:30 pm and 6:00 am weeknights, and 11 :00 pm to 6:00 am on Friday and Saturday. Exception, if accompanied by a parent.
Sports Activities:
Basketball is to be played only on the basketball court. Football and softball may be played in the west field of the cooperative property. No hard balls or golf practice is allowed on cooperative property. It is not permitted to play handball against the buildings. Throwing Frisbees, softballs, footballs etc. is not permitted in the parking lots.
Use of lawn darts, sling shots, bow and arrow, pellet gun, and BB gun are prohibited on cooperative property. Skateboards or roller blades cannot be ridden in parking areas or grass. Ramps or similar devices for jumping are prohibited on cooperative property. Bicycles may not be ridden on the grass. They may be ridden on sidewalks and in parking lots (not between cars). Bikers on sidewalks must yield to people walking.
Camping is not permitted on cooperative property. This includes member’s yards and the west field.
No one shall discharge a firearm or projectile weapon on the property of Independence Square Townhouses. Firearm means any weapon that is designed or adapted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive. Projectile weapon means any bow, crossbow, pellet gun, BB gun, slingshot, paintball gun, or other weapon that is not a firearm, which is capable of expelling a projectile that could inflict serious physical injury or death by striking or piercing a person.