Board Policies – 1B
Neither the office or maintenance staff is responsible for accepting delivery of merchandise or parcels. If a member cannot be at home for a scheduled delivery, arrangements should be made with a neighbor to accept the delivery.
The site manager’s office is not authorized to give out information about members. If there is an emergency situation, the site manager’s office will contact the member and leave a message, if possible.
Office Equipment:
No one, other than authorized personnel may operate office equipment.
Office Policy Changes:
Office policies that warrant change must be reviewed and approved by the Board prior to implementation.
Keys & Locks to Townhouses:
The cooperative furnishes keys and dead bolt locks for each townhouse. Members shall not change the mastered locks provided. Keys are not provided for anyone that does not appear on the Occupancy Agreement. A charge of $25.00 will be assessed the member if locked out after hours. During office hours a charge of $10.00 will be assessed the member. Members of record only are allowed entry.
Office Key Distribution:
Keys and alarm code to the office building will be distributed to the site manager, assistant, maintenance personnel and security officers (as directed by the Board). Keys and current alarm code are to be kept in the safe. The alarm code will be changed when a staff member resigns and/or is terminated. Keys to the maintenance garage will be distributed to the maintenance staff. After hours access to the garage is to be for cooperative business.
Site Manager Correspondence:
The site manager will maintain a reading file on all notices sent to the membership.
When there is damage to cooperative property or equipment and there is proof of the person(s) responsible, the site manager shall present a bill to the parties involved, without consulting the Board.