Board Policies – 1G
Snow Removal:
Priority for snow removal is as follows:
1. Parking Lots
2. Main Walks
3. Sidewalks/steps to homes of elderly, disabled, or handicapped
4. Sidewalks/steps. Members are encouraged to clear their own steps, if possible. Members are responsible for clearing their assigned parking spots and exposing the unit number painted on the curb.
Yards Rules and Policies:
Yards are to be kept free of clutter. Toys are to stored inside the unit, when not in use.
Planting that could cause structural problems or mowing problems will not be approved.
Vines will not be allowed on the buildings.
Flower Beds:
Flower beds (front or back yards) shall be planted next to the buildings, they shall not extend beyond the stoop (approximately fifty-six) 56 inches. They will be sloped away from the building to allow for drainage. Raised flower beds are not allowed. Any type of edging used must allow for drainage and may not be in excess of six (6) inches in height.
Yard Ornaments are to be confined to the flowerbed.
Yards are to be kept free of clutter. Toys are to be stored inside the unit, when not it use.
The member is responsible for fenced backyards. They are to be mowed, and kept free of clutter. Grass is not to be over six (6) inches tall. If your receive notice from maintenance to mow your yard, you will have forty-eight 48 hours to do so. If not done in this time period, maintenance will mow your yard and a $25.00 fee will be charged.