Board Policies – 2
Committees are established by the Board of Directors to assist the Board in the operation of the cooperative. Chair and co-chairpersons are elected, for a one-year term, by the membership at the first meeting following the Annual Meeting in September.
Committees and membership participation is highly encouraged by the Board of Directors. In the absence of a committee chairperson the Board will fulfill the obligations of any committee.
- Advise the Board/membership on areas of concern.
- Research specific problems and issues to formulate reports to the Board/membership.
- Develop and provide information and education programs for members.
- Provide public relations services for the cooperative.
- Develop social programs and events.
- Committees serve at the discretion, and under authority of the Board of Directors.
- Encourage participation by all members of the cooperative.
- Insure reports to the Board are factual and to the point.
- Refrain from interfering with day-to-day operation of the cooperative.
Successful committee operations are one of the tools that help provide effective management of the cooperative. Committees not only help the Board by lightening its workload and providing valuable reports and suggestions, they also playa major role in encouraging member participation in the cooperative concept. Enormous responsibility rests with the Board who must insure that the member’s investments, dreams, and dollars are protected. It is a charge the Board could not possibly fulfill without help. Committees help distribute the cooperative’s workload so no one individual shoulders a greater burden than the other. Committees ensure that the views of membership are heard, which enables the Board to make informed decisions on issues. Being part of a committee is excellent training for a potential Board member. If a Board member understands how committees operate, he/she is able to work more effectively, directing committee operations.
Committee Organization:
Independence Square Townhouses has five (5) standing committees: Membership, Activities, House and Grounds, Newsletter, and Pet.
Membership Committee:
The membership committee meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the 1st Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September, and November in the downstairs meeting room of the community building. The chairpersons responsibilities include chairing the meeting and maintaining order during the meeting. Members must be allowed the opportunity to express their concerns and ideas. The chairperson is further responsible for forwarding requests, concerns, and ideas to the Board of Directors. The co-chairperson/secretary is responsible for recording minutes of the meeting, and providing a copy of the minutes to the Newsletter chairperson. The co-chairperson will preside over meeting when the chairperson is absent.
Suggested Agenda:
- Call to Order – Membership Chairperson
- Reading and Approval of Minutes – Co-Chair/Secretary
- Committee Reports:
- Activities – Chairperson
- House & Grounds – Chairperson
- Newsletter – Chairperson
- Pet – Chairperson
- Old Business – Membership Chairperson
- New Business – Membership Chairperson
- Call for Dates or Announcements – Membership Chairperson
- Adjournment – Membership Chairperson
Activities Committee:
This committee is a sub-committee of the membership committee and adheres to the same scope of authority. Responsibilities include planning Board approved ·events for members. Money earned by this
committee is held in a separate fund under the management of the Treasurer of the Board of Directors. The committee for cooperative activities may use funds from this account, up to $25.00 per month, with appropriate receipts provided. Cooperative sponsored athletic or sporting events for the children, requires a signed liability waiver, completed by the parent or guardian and must be submitted prior to the event. If a waiver is not received the child may not participate in the event.
Newsletter Committee:
The official name of the newsletter for Independence Square Townhouses, Inc. is “Around the Square”.
Chairperson’s Responsibilities:
The chairperson presides over newsletter committee meetings, writes articles, proof reads and corrects grammar and spelling errors, arranges the layout of articles as they will appear in the newsletter, provides a rough draft to the Board for approval before the 2nd Tuesday of the month, and is
responsible for printing and distribution of the newsletter each month. The chairperson is also responsible for notification of the Board of any special meetings called by this committee.
Presides over newsletter committee meeting in the absence of the Chairperson, coordinates assembly and delivery of the newsletter, solicits and receives advertisements, oversees layout of ads and distributes copies of the newsletter to those who have purchased advertising space.
Members may run a 5-line want ad at no charge. The Board prior to printing and distribution to the membership must approve ads. Persons from outside the cooperative may submit a proposed ad to the Board for approval and cost determination. Letters to the Editor expressing personal opinions may be printed. However, the letter will be followed by a statement, “The opinions and views expressed above are not necessarily the opinions and views of Independence Square Townhouses, Inc.” Profane or abusive language will not be printed.
A copy of the newsletter is to be kept in a 3-ring binder by the chairperson, and one copy in the site manager’s office. Issues must show the month and year on the front page. All records, clip-art files, ideas, and the 3-ring binder must be passed on to the newly elected chairperson.
House and Grounds:
Responsibilities include inspecting grounds, fence permit applications, and sending a Board approved letter to those with conditions causing detriment to the continuity and curb appeal of the community. This committee is responsible for removal of political posters, within 24 hours after elections.
Pet Committee:
Responsibilities include maintaining a file of each member’s pet permits, calling animal control to retrieve stray animals, responding to complaints and reporting violations to the Board.