(816) 252-0444

1360 Baker Drive
Independence, MO 64050

Board Policies – 1F


The cooperative is responsible for the maintenance of the grounds and the building exteriors. The cooperative also provides repairs and maintenance to the interiors of the townhouses, except redecorating.

Air Conditioning:

Stand up window units are allowed.  We do not allow any window units as it breaks down the integrity of the window. The member is responsible for maintenance of the air conditioning unit.

To receive approval for central air conditioning a Central Air Conditioner Permit, as well as, an Installation/Alteration Permit and a copy of the warranty must be submitted to the site manager’s office and approved by the Board, before installation can begin. A licensed contractor must install central air conditioners, and the unit must remain on the premises when your townhouse is sold. The member is responsible for maintenance and repair of central air conditioners. Repairs necessary to the blower, blower control, motor, transformer, or wiring to controls of the furnace will be shared equally by the member and the cooperative, if, and only if, work is done by a contractor agreed upon, in advance, by the cooperative. The site manager will issue a work order indicating the member’s share of the cost.

Water Damage:

The cooperative will not be liable for damage to member’s possession due to water leaks or sewer back up. Members should have a tenant’s form of insurance.

Mold and Mildew:

Member acknowledges that it is necessary for member to provide appropriate climate control, keep the townhouse clean, and take other measures to retard and prevent mold and mildew from accumulating in the townhouse. Member agrees to clean and dust the unit on a regular basis and to remove visible moisture accumulation on windows, walls and other surfaces as soon as reasonably possible. Member agrees not to block or cover any of the heating, ventilation or air-conditioning ducts in the unit. Member agrees to immediately report to the site-manager’s office: (1) any evidence of a water leak or excessive moisture in the townhouse; (2) any evidence or mold or mildew-like growth that cannot be removed by simply applying a common household cleaner and wiping the area; (3) any failure or malfunction in the heating, ventilation or air conditioning systems; and (4) any inoperable doors or windows. Member further agrees that member shall be responsible for damage to the townhouse and member’s property as well as injury to member and occupants resulting from member’s failure to comply with this rule.


Exterior doors may be painted, using approved colors only. Member may replace the storm door with a bronze tone door of their choosing at their expense, with approved permit. Any repairs are the member’s responsibility.

Electrical Wiring:

The electrical distribution panel is located in the basement of townhouses with basements. In townhouses without basements the panel will be located in the utility room or closet. All circuits in the townhouses are 110 volt. If a 220-volt is needed for an appliance, a licensed electrician must install it after obtaining an Installation/Alteration Permit. The electrical distribution in all townhouses is through circuit breakers. Should power failure occur, always check to make sure that all circuit breakers are in the on position.

Fence Regulations:

Back yards may be fenced. Fence must be 4 feet high, chain link, measuring the width of the townhouse, and no more than 20 feet deep. Permits will not be approved for privacy fences.

Furnace Maintenance:

The furnaces are inspected annually at no charge. Filters are changed at this time. Members may pick up filters to install themselves during the course of the year from the site manager’s office.

Garbage Disposal:

Each townhouse is equipped with a garbage disposal built into the kitchen sink. It should be used for food waste. Fibrous or bulky food waste (i.e. com cobs and husks, melon rinds, citrus fruit peals, pea pods, etc.) must not be deposited into the disposal, but, shall be bagged and deposited in the trash dumpsters. Never pour grease down a drain, put it in the trash.

Light Bulbs – Exterior:

Light bulbs are provided for front and back porch light fixtures in an effort to encourage members to leave these lights on at night for security purposes.

Smoke Detectors/Alarms:

HUD requires that all townhouses have working smoke detectors, on all levels. Alarms will be inspected annually and each household will be required to sign a form indicating that their alarms have been inspected and are in working order. Maintenance will replace batteries free of charge if the old battery is returned. If the battery is missing there is a $25.00 charge. Members shall not remove batteries from any smoke detector.

Television/Cable Wiring:

Cable wiring cannot be attached to the building. The cooperative provided basic cable service. If a member wants additional service it is at their expense. Current cable contract expires in July 2003; new HUD regulations stipulate that cable charges cannot be included as part of the carrying charge.

Satellite Dish:

Installation of a satellite Dish is authorized provided the following requirements are met:

  • Installation/Alteration Permit must be submitted and approved by the Board prior to installation.
  • Member must supply the name of the company installing the system. Members may not install the system.
  • The installation technician must contact the Maintenance Superintendent prior to installation. The Maintenance Superintendent gives instructions for what can and cannot be done.
  • Satellite dish cannot be attached to the townhouse or the roof.
  • Satellite dish must be installed in the backyard on a galvanized 2 1/2 inch pipe, anchored in the ground at least 24 inches, supported by concrete. The pipe must extend above the ground 48 inches. Member must call 1-800-dig-rite prior to digging.
  • Satellite dish cannot be installed on fences.
  • Wiring must be inserted through the foundation of the townhouse, not through the siding or brick. (Hole – in foundation must be prepared to prevent water from leakage) Wiring from the pole to the townhouse must buried a minimum of 8 inches.
  • Member will be responsible for any damage incurred due to installation of the satellite dish, an agrees to restore the townhouse to original condition when membership is terminated.



Tools are available for members to borrow (signed tool release form required). They are lawn mowers, weed eaters, rake, shovel, hedge trimmers, and a hoe. These tools can be checked out at the maintenance garage. Tools will be returned within two (2) hours, if not returned within the time specified,
maintenance will pick up the tools and a $25.00 charge will be assessed the member. Children are not allowed to check out tools.


Each member is responsible for putting electric, gas, and telephone service in his or her name. The cooperative provides water.


Windows, with the exception of basement and patio door, were replaced in 1992. Cost to replace or repair damage to windows or screens will be charged to the member. An exception to screen replacement, rusted or damage caused by a contractor, in which case the cooperative will be responsible for replacement. When attaching drapery hardware to the wall you may use wood screws if you locate a stud. If you attach drapery hardware between studs, you must use toggle bolts or similar devices.

Work Orders:

Members are responsible for calling in work orders for any item that needs to be repaired in or around the townhouse. Glass and screen repairs are the member’s responsibility. (Chargeable work order) Any damage caused by a member’s failure to call in a repair on a timely basis will be charged to the member.

Emergency Services:

For emergency services call the cooperative office (252-0444). After working hours and on weekends all emergency calls must go through the answering service (252-0444). Do not contact any of the staff at their homes.


  • Bathroom stool inoperable.(This only applies if there is only one bathroom).
  • Water line broken.
  • Water line frozen.
  • Furnace or water heater inoperable.
  • Kitchen sink stopped up.
  • Electricity out. (Check circuit breaker panel first)
  • Locked Out.
  • Sewer backs up and/or main sewer line clogged.
  • Gas odor in unit. (also call Missouri Gas Energy 816-756-5252)
  • Bathtub stopped up.
  • Disaster (i.e. fire, flood, etc.)
  • Broken window, (not merely cracked) under severe weather or extreme conditions.
  • Refrigerator inoperable.


Emergency calls cost the cooperative considerably each year, which costs the entire membership. If you request an “emergency call” that is not defined above, the Board has determined that Maintenance need not respond.

Regular Maintenance hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday thru Friday.